Políticas de privacidad

Por favor, lea cuidadosamente los siguientes términos y condiciones. 

Esta Política de Privacidad es promulgada por Strong By Carla LLC, en adelante “la empresa”,  una compañía adscrita a las leyes del Estado de Florida y con licencia activa para operar un negocio en la jurisdicción.  Esta Política es aplicable a la presencia digital de la empresa, haciendo negocios como Strong By Carla™ y Cara Roer™, en actividades de ventas y las diversas plataformas digitales, según aplique. 

Tu privacidad es importante para nosotros.  En consecuencia, y con el propósito de que entiendas cómo obtenemos, comunicamos y hacemos uso de tu información personal, hemos desarrollado esta Política.  En adelante se bosqueja nuestra Política de Privacidad. 

Al acceder a nuestro sitio web, aceptas nuestros términos y condiciones relacionados a esta Política de Privacidad.  

Captaremos determinada información sobre ti, durante tu visita.  Similar a otros sitios web, el nuestro utiliza la tecnología estándar llamada “cookies” (Véase explicación más adelante, “¿Qué son cookies?), y servidores de registro web para recopilar información sobre cómo nuestro sitio web está siendo utilizado.  La información obtenida a través de los sistemas se utiliza para fines de control de calidad, medición, publicidad y mercadeo. 

¿Qué son “cookies”? 

Un “cookie” es un pequeño documento de contenido escrito, que comúnmente incluye un identificador anónimo único.  Cuando visitas un sitio web, este le pide  autorización a tu computadora para almacenar este archivo en una parte de su disco duro, específicamente designado para los “cookies”.  Cada sitio web puede enviar el correspondiente “cookie” a tu buscador, si los ajustes y preferencias de este último lo permiten.  Sin embargo, para proteger tu privacidad, el buscador solo permitirá que el sitio web acceda los “cookies” que te ha enviado, no aquellos que han sido enviados por otros sitios.  Cada vez que accedas a nuestro sitio web, autorizas nuestro acceso a tus “cookies” y nos permites identificarte, al igual que obtener la información de fecha y la hora de tus visitas, las páginas vistas dentro del Sitio, el tiempo invertido, tu dirección IP, tu país de localización, hora y fecha de conexión y los sitios web visitados justo antes y después del nuestro.

Dirección IP

Las direcciones IP son números que permite que tu computadora sea identificada por las computadoras de la red cada vez que se conecta al Internet.  La dirección IP que recibes, según la red a la cual estés conectado,  es automáticamente recopilada por nuestro servidor web, como parte de la data demográfica y de perfiles conocida como “data de tráfico”.  Cada vez que accedas, el Sitio reconocerá tu IP y almacenará el mismo para lograr el intercambio de información.  Obtendremos información que incluye el origen de la comunicación, el destino, la ruta, formato, hora, fecha, tamaño, duración y tipo del servicio.


Si eliges mantener correspondencia con nosotros a través del correo electrónico, debemos retener el contenido de los mensajes que nos emites, junto con tu dirección de correo y nuestras respuestas.  Proveemos la misma protección para estas comunicaciones electrónicas que empleamos en el mantenimiento de información recibida en línea, por correo postal y/o  por teléfono.  

Ofrecernos tu nombre, correo electrónico, dirección, edad número de teléfono, sexo, estatus civil, raza, nacionalidad y/o creencias religiosas, es un acto libre y voluntario de tu parte. Nuestros correos electrónicos proveen alternativa para que dejes de recibir nuestras comunicaciones.  Sin embargo, si deseas que descontinuar el uso de información provista adicional a la que emiten los correos o recolectan los “cookies”, debes escribirnos un correo electrónico a nuestra dirección de soporte. El uso de nuestro sitio web, no estará sujeto a que nos proveas esta información.

Si eres cliente, estudiante o de alguna forma receptor de nuestros servicios, debes estar informado de que podemos y monitorearemos tu consumo y progreso en relación a nuestros programas. 

¿Cómo utilizamos la información que nos provees?

En términos generales, utilizamos su información personal para los propósitos relacionados con administrar y monitorear nuestras actividades de negocio, además de proveer mejor servicio a clientes presentes y futuros. Además, utilizamos tu información con fines de mercadeo y remercadeo en las redes sociales, siempre que así lo autorices. 

No obtendremos tu información de identificación personal cuando visitas nuestro sitio, a menos que elijas proveernos dicha información y que la configuración de tus electrónicos nos provean autorización. Esta información retenida o provista por ti, no podrá ser vendida o de alguna otra forma transferida a terceras personas no afiliadas, sin el consentimiento y la aprobación del usuario, al momento en que la provee. 

La información será revelada cuando sea legalmente requerida, en otras palabras, cuando nosotros, de buena fe, creemos que la ley lo requiere o para garantizar la protección de nuestros derechos.

Nuestro portal pudiera operar un modelo de negocio a base de referidos o sistemas de afiliación.  Aun cuando no vendemos tu información, entiendes que nuestro sitio provee enlaces externos y formatos de referido para que proveas tu información en otras plataformas que operan de forma independiente a la nuestra y bajo sus propias políticas de privacidad. Esta duplicidad no debe ser confundida con la venta de información y es entendida como la aceptación voluntaria de ofrecer información igual o parecida a empresas distintas. 

Nota Especial Sobre Menores de Edad

Personas menores de edad no son elegibles para utilizar o navegar nuestro sitio, obtener servicios o productos sin el consentimiento, presencia y autorización de un padre o guardian legal.  Por lo tanto, solicitamos que aquellos menores de 18 años no envien o sometan información a través de nuestro portal.  Si eres menor, solo puedes utilizar este sitio acompañado de un adulto. 

Debido a que nuestros productos y servicios no van dirigidos a menores de edad y su consumo no está autorizado para menores, nuestra empresa no viene obligada a publicar políticas que apliquen a dicha población. Nunca solicitaremos ni enviaremos información, contenido o data relacionada a menores de edad. 

¿Cómo protegemos tu información  y aseguramos la transmisión de información?

Los correos electrónicos no son reconocidos como medio de comunicación asegurado.  Por esta razón, solicitamos que no envíes información privada por este medio.  Sin embargo, hacerlo está permitido, bajo tu propio riesgo.  Alguna de la información que introduzcas en nuestro sitio, podrá ser transmitida bajo la seguridad del medio conocido como “Secure Sockets Layer”, o SSL.  Información de tarjetas de crédito nunca será solicitada por nuestra empresa y nunca debe ser transmitida a través de correo electrónico.

Utilizaremos aplicaciones para crear resúmenes estadísticos, los cuales son utilizados con el propósito de calcular el número de visitantes en las distintas secciones de nuestro sitio, cuál es la información de mayor y menor interés, determinar especificaciones técnicas de diseño e identificar áreas de problemas o de ejecución del sistema.    

Para propósitos de seguridad y para garantizar que este servicio permanezca disponible para todos los usuarios registrados, utilizaremos aplicaciones para monitorear el tráfico de la red y así identificar intentos sin autorización de suministrar, obtener o cambiar información, o de alguna otra forma causa daño. 

Nuestra Política de “No Rastreo”

Algunos navegadores de web ofrecen la opción de “no rastreo” en sus plataformas cuyo propósito es dejarle saber al sitio web en el que entras que no quieres que tus actividades en linea puedas ser rastreadas. En este momento nuestro sistema no responde a la preferencia de “no rastreo”, pero si proveemos la opción de cancelar tu suscripción o parar de recibir promociones, de conformidad con tus intereses. 

Cambios en la Política

Nos reservamos el derecho de enmendar esta Política de Privacidad en cualquier momento con o sin aviso previo.  Aun así, le aseguramos que si la Política de Privacidad cambiará en el futuro, no utilizaremos la información personal que nos ha suministrado bajo esta Política de Privacidad en los asuntos que sean materialmente inconsistentes con esta Política, sin consentimiento previo.

Estamos comprometidos con dirigir nuestro negocio de acuerdo con estos principios, garantizando que la confidencialidad de la información personal  será protegida.

Si tienes alguna pregunta relacionada con esta Política, o tus asuntos con nuestro sitio web, por favor contáctenos a info@strongbycarla.com 

Si eres un consumidor residente de California o Nevada, debes revisar las políticas aplicables exclusivamente a tu Estado en la versión inglés. 

Nota Sobre “Cookies”

La FTC (“Federal Trade Comission”), la ICO (“Information Comissioner Office”) y la buena práctica requieren que los Sitios Web provean un aviso prominente, más que explícito sobre materia de “cookies” a beneficio de los usuarios.  Se puede escoger entre un aviso inicial, en el que el usuario acepte los términos relacionados a los “cookies” antes de poder navegar en el Sitio, con una introducción corta que le redirija a la política entera, o incluir un tab o página PROMINENTE y ESPECÍFICA sobre “cookies”.  Con el siguiente contenido:

Información sobre el uso de las “cookies” 

Nuestro sitio web usa los “cookies” para distinguirte de otros usuarios de nuestro sitio y poder mercadearnos.  Esto nos ayuda a proveerte una buena experiencia cuando navegas nuestro Sitio, al igual que a mejorarlo.  Al utilizar nuestro Sitio, acuerdas que usemos tus “cookies” para los propósitos establecidos.  

Un “cookie” es un pequeño archivo de letras y números que guardamos en tu navegador o en el disco duro de tu computadora, cuando así lo aceptas. Los “cookies” contienen información que es transferida al disco duro de tu computadora. 

Utilizamos los siguientes “cookies”:

“Cookies” estrictamente necesarios.  Estos son los que se requieren para la operación de nuestro Sitio.  Incluyen, por ejemplo, los que te permiten registrarte en áreas seguras de nuestro Sitio, utilizar el carrito de compras o servicios de facturación electrónica. 

“Cookies” analíticos o de rendimiento.  Nos permiten reconocer y contabilizar números de visitantes para saber cómo nuestros usuarios y visitantes se mueven a través del Sitio.  Nos ayuda a mejorar la forma en que trabaja nuestro Sitio, por ejemplo, asegurándonos de que nuestros usuarios entran encontrando con facilidad lo que buscan.  

“Cookies” de funcionamiento.  Se utilizan para reconocer cuando regresas a nuestro Sitio.  Nos permite personalizar nuestro contenido para ti, saludarte por tu nombre y recordar tus preferencias (lenguaje, región, etc.).

“Cookies” de orientación u objetivo. Son las encargadas de grabar tu visita a nuestro Sitio, las páginas que visitaste y los enlaces que presionaste.  Utilizaremos esta información para hacer de nuestro Sitio y el mercadeo que presentamos, más relevante a tus intereses.  Esta información podría ser compartida con terceros, con este propósito.  

Debes saber que terceros que podrían incluir redes de mercadeo y proveedores externos, pueden utilizar “cookies” sobre las que nuestra empresa no tiene ningún control. 

Puedes escoger las determinaciones sobre “cookies” de tu preferencia, negando el acceso de este Sitio, en las preferencias de tu navegador. Recuerda que si decides bloquear el uso total de “cookies”, incluyendo las que son esenciales para el funcionamiento del Sitio Web, podrías restringirte el acceso a ciertas funciones de nuestro Sitio.  

Con excepción de las esenciales para el funcionamiento del Sitio, las “cookies” expiran a los 2 años.


Please, read carefully the following terms and conditions.

This privacy policy is enacted by Strong By Carla LLC a company formed under the laws of the State of Florida with active license to conduct business in the jurisdiction.  This policy applies to the online presence of the company, doing business as Strong By Carla™ and Carla Roer™ in sales and/or diverse digital platform, as applicable. 

Your privacy is important to us.  Consequently, and with the purpose that you understand how we obtain you data, communicate with you and how we use your personal information, we have developed this document.  Henceforth, outlined our Privacy Policy. 

By accessing our website, you accept our terms and conditions.  We will collect certain information about you during your visit. Similar to other websites, ours uses standard technology called Cookies (See explanation below, what are Cookies?), and web log servers to collect information on how our website is being used. The information obtained through the two systems is used for quality control, measurement, publicity and marketing purposes.

What are Cookies? 

A Cookie is a small document of written content, which commonly includes a unique anonymous identifier. When you visit a website, it asks your computer for authorization to store this file on a part of its hard drive, specifically designated for Cookies. Each website can send the corresponding Cookie to your search engine; if the latter’s settings and preferences allow it. However, to protect your privacy, the search engine will only allow the website to access the Cookies that it has sent you, not those that have been sent by other Sites. Every time you access our website, you authorize our access to your Cookies and allow us to identify you, as well as obtain the date and time information of your visits, the pages viewed within the Site, the time invested, your IP address, the country you are connected in, time and date of connection, and websites visited just before and after ours.

IP address

IP addresses are numbers that allow your computer to be identified by computers on the network every time it connects to the Internet. The IP address you receive (depending on the network to which you are connected), is automatically collected by our web server, as part of the demographic and profile data known as “traffic data”. Every time you access, the Site will recognize your IP and store it to achieve the exchange of information. We will obtain information that includes the origin of the communication, the destination, the route, format, time, date, size, duration and type of service.


If you choose to correspond with us via email, we must retain the content of the messages you send us, along with your email address and our responses. We provide the same protection for these electronic communications that we employ in maintaining information received online, by mail, and/or by phone.

If you offered your name, email, address, age, phone number, gender, marital status, race, nationality and/or religious beliefs, understand that it is a voluntary act. Our emails includes an option to stop receiving our communications.  Nevertheless, if you wish to stop the use of this additional provided by you that was not collected by the cookies or related to the email, you must send an email to our support contact. The use of our website will not be limited to providing additional information not detected by cookies. 

If you are a client, a student or a recipient of our services, please be informed that we can and will track your consumption and progress within the programs. 

How do we use the information you provide us?

In general terms, we use your personal information for purposes related to managing and monitoring our business activities, in addition to providing better service to present and future clients.  We also use the information for marketing and targeting in social media only when authorized by you. 

We will not obtain your personal identifiable information when you visit our Site, unless you choose to provide such information to us or your devices are configured to provide such acceptance. This information may not be sold or in any other way transferred to unaffiliated third parties, without the consent and approval of the user, at the time it is provided.

The information will be disclosed when legally required, in other words, when we, in good faith, believe that the law requires it or to guarantee the protection of our rights.

Our website could operate with a business model based on referrals and affiliate marketing. We do not sell the personal information you provide us, but we do have external links and referral formats that may request personal information to third parties independent and separate from our company. This duplicity shall not be confused with information sale or transfer.  It is understood as your voluntary acceptance to offer the same or similar information to another company.  

Special Note Regarding Minors

Minors are not eligible to use or browse our Website to obtain our services and / or products, without the presence and authorization of a parent or legal guardian. Therefore, we ask that those under 18 do not send or submit personal information to us. If you are a minor, you may use this Site only jointly and with the permission and advice of your parents or guardians.

Our products and services are not address or permitted for minors.  Therefore, our company is not required to provide policies regarding children access or access and security of children information. Our company will never request or send information, content or data related to minor children. 

How do we protect your information and ensure the transmission of information?

Emails are not recognized as a secured means of communication. For this reason, we request that you do not send private information by this means. However, doing so is permitted, at your own risk. Some of the information you enter on our Site may be transmitted under the security of the means known as “Secure Sockets Layer”, or SSL. Credit card information will never be requested or transmitted via email.

We will use applications to create statistical summaries, which are used for the purpose of calculating the number of visitors to the different sections of our Site, what is the information of greatest and least interest, determining technical design specifications and identifying problem areas or system execution.

For security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all registered users, we will use applications to monitor network traffic and thus identify unauthorized attempts to supply, obtain or change information, or otherwise cause harm.

The information we obtain from your visit and general information about your searches and purchases on our Site could be used for marketing purposes on social networks and by email. Remarketing is a tool that allows us to use your preferences to offer you special opportunities and personalized quality customer service. Remarketing is not and does not constitute a purchase and sale obligation and will always be carried out for a defined period of time and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the platforms and social networks that we use for that purpose.

Our “Do Not Track” Policy

Some browsers have a “do not track” feature that lets you tell websites that you do not want to have your online activities tracked.  At this time, we do not respond to browse “do not track” signals, but we do provide you the option to opt out of interest-based advertising.  

California Residents

California Consumer Privacy Act

If you are a California resident, the information below also applies to you. Certain terms used in this section have the meanings given to them in the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”).

Categories of Personal Information Our Company Collected From or About Its Guests or Clients in the Preceding 12 Months

  • Identifiers (e.g., name, mailing address, email address, phone number, credit/debit card number)
  • Characteristics of protected classifications (e.g., gender, age)
  • Commercial information (e.g., products or services purchased, purchase history)
  • Internet or other electronic network activity (e.g., browse or search history)
  • Geolocation data (e.g., latitude or longitude)
  • Audio, electronic, visual, or similar information (e.g., recording of Guest service calls)
  • Inferences drawn from any of the above (e.g., preferences or characteristics)

Categories of Sources From Which Our Company Has Collected Personal Information About Guests 

  • Consumer Directly
  • Advertising Networks
  • Data analytics providers
  • Social networks

Business or Commercial Purposes for Which Our Company Has Collected or Sold Personal Information About Guests in the Preceding 12 Months 

  • Performing services, including maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing advertising or marketing services, providing analytics services, or providing similar services;
  • Auditing related to a current interaction with you and concurrent transactions, including, but not limited to, counting ad impressions to unique visitors, verifying positioning and quality of ad impressions, and auditing compliance;
  • Short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, the contextual customization of ads shown as part of the same interaction;
  • Detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and prosecuting those responsible for that activity;
  • Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality;
  • Undertaking internal research for technological development and demonstration; and
  • Undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service or device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by us, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the service or device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by us.

Categories of Personal Information Our Company Has Sold About Guests and Categories of Third Parties to Whom Personal Information Was Sold in the Preceding 12 Months

Categories of Personal Information Sold
  • Non

Categories of Third Parties to Whom Personal Information was Sold

  • Non

Categories of Personal Information Our company Has Disclosed for a Business Purpose and Categories of Third Parties to Whom Personal Information Was Disclosed for a Business Purpose in the Preceding 12 Months

Categories of Personal Information Disclosed for a Business Purpose

  • Identifiers (e.g., name, mailing address, email address, phone number, credit/debit card number)
  • Characteristics of protected classifications (e.g., gender, age)
  • Commercial information (e.g., products or services purchased, purchase history)
  • Internet or other electronic network activity (e.g., browse or search history)
  • Geolocation data (e.g., latitude or longitude)
  • Audio, electronic, visual, or similar information (e.g., recording of Guest service calls)
  • Inferences drawn from any of the above (e.g., preferences or characteristics)
Categories of third parties to whom Personal Information has been disclosed for a business purpose
  • Operating Systems and Platforms
  • Social Networks

At your direction or request, or when you otherwise consent, we may share your information with third parties (e.g., if a guest provides explicit, opt-in consent to the linking and use of data with a specifically identified third party partner, such data may be linked and may be used by our company and/or the third party partner as described at the time consent is obtained, including for targeted advertising or advertising measurement purposes).


Our Company will not discriminate against you because you exercise your rights. For example, we will not deny you goods or services or charge you a different price or rate for goods or services if you make an access, deletion, or do not sell request.

You Have the Following Rights Under the CCPA

  • Right to request our company to disclose Personal Information, or Categories of Personal Information, it collects, uses, discloses, and sells
  • Right to request our company delete Personal Information we have collected from you
  • Right to request our company opt you out of the sale of your Personal Information

Process Used to Verify an Access and/or Deletion Request

If you are a visitor, you will be required to submit 4 pieces of information including your name, address, email, and phone number. Wet will use this information to search our systems and determine if we have information about you. If we are able to locate information about you, we will fulfill your access and/or deletion request. If we are not able to match all 4 pieces of information you submit, we may provide you with a report that includes the categories of personal information we collect, use, disclose, and sell.

  • If you have an account with any of our programs, your access report will be placed in your account once it is ready. You will need to sign into your account to view your report.
  • If you do not have an account, you will receive two emails when your access report is ready. These emails will be sent to the email address you provided at the time you submitted your request. One email will contain a link to your report and a second email will contain a password needed to access the report.

If you are an authorized agent, you will be required to submit your name, address, email, and phone number as well as the name, address, email and phone number of the person you are making a request on behalf of.  We will use the persons information to search our systems and determine if we have information. If we are able to locate information about the person we will fulfill the access and/or deletion request. As an authorized agent you will receive an email confirming that we have received the request along with a second email asking you to fill out a certification form confirming your information and certifying you have the right to make this request on behalf of the your representative. Once the report is ready, it will be sent to the email or physical address you have given us, depending on the delivery method you choose.

How to Submit a Verifiable Request (requests can be made no more than twice in a 12-month period)

You can submit a request using the following emails address: info@strongbycarla.com 

California Shine the Light

If you are a California resident and have an established business relationship with us, you can request a notice disclosing the categories of personal information we have shared with third parties, for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes, during the preceding calendar year. To request a notice, please submit your request to info@strongbycarla.com . Please allow 30 days for a response.

Nevada Residents

Nevada law gives Nevada consumers the right to request that a company not sell their personal information for monetary consideration to certain other parties.  This right applies even if their personal information is not currently being sold.  If you are a Nevada consumer and wish to exercise this right, please submit your request by email to info@strongbycarla.com 

How is Your Personal Information Protected?

We maintain administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect your personal information. When we collect or transmit sensitive information such as a credit or debit card number, we use industry standard methods to protect that information. However, no e-commerce solution, website, mobile application, database or system is completely secure or “hacker proof.” You are also responsible for taking reasonable steps to protect your personal information against unauthorized disclosure or misuse.

Changes in the Policy 

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time with or without prior notice. Even so, we assure you that if the Privacy Policy changes in the future, we will not use the personal information that you have provided to us under this Privacy Policy in matters that are materially inconsistent with this Policy, without prior consent.

We are committed to run our business in accordance with these principles, ensuring that the confidentiality of personal information will be protected.

If you have any questions regarding this Policy, or your issues with our website, please contact us at info@strongbycarla.com 

Note Regarding Cookies

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission), the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) and the good practice require Websites to provide a prominent, rather than explicit, notice on the subject of Cookies for the benefit of users. You can choose between an initial notice, in which the user accepts the terms related to Cookies before being able to navigate the Site, with a short introduction that redirects you to the entire policy, or include a tab and PROMINENT page and SPECIFIC on Cookies. With the following content:

Information on the use Cookies 

Our website uses Cookies to differentiate you from other users of our Site. This helps us provide you with a good experience and marketing when you browse our Site, as well as to improve it. By using our Site, you agree that we use your Cookies for the stated purposes.

A Cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we keep in your browser or on your computer’s hard drive, when you accept it. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive.

We use the following Cookies:

Strictly necessary Cookies. These are the ones required for the operation of our Site. They include, for example, those that allow you to register in secure areas of our Site, use the shopping cart or electronic invoicing services. 

Analytical or performance Cookies. They allow us to recognize and count number of visitors to know how our users and visitors move through the Site. It helps us improve the way our Site works, for example, by ensuring that our users enter easily finding what they are looking for.

Operating Cookies. They are used to recognize when you return to our Site. It allows us to personalize our content for you, greet you by your name and remember your preferences (language, region, etc.).

Orientation or objective Cookies. They are responsible for recording your visit to our Site, the pages you visited and the links you pressed. We will use this information to make our Site and the marketing we present more relevant to your interests. This information could be shared with third parties, for this purpose.

You should know that third parties, such as marketing networks and external providers, may use Cookies over which our company has no control.

You can choose the Cookie determinations of your preference, denying access to this Site, in your browser preferences. Remember that if you decide to block the total use of Cookies (including those that are essential for the operation of the Website), you could restrict access to certain functions of our Site. With the exception of those essential for the operation of the Site, Cookies expire after 2 years.